Monica A. Nassar

Senior Associate


Monica Nassar is a litigation associate in the firm’s Oregon practice group. Prior to joining Reinisch Wilson PC, she worked for a different workers’ compensation defense firm for almost two years.

Born in Boston, but raised in Oregon, Monica graduated from Wellesley College in Massachusetts. She then moved back to Oregon for law school, but remains active in her college’s alumnae organization. As a law student, Monica was chosen by the Oregon Justice Resource Center for a third-year legal internship with SOAR Immigration Legal Services. After law school, Monica worked for nearly two years in a firm focused on employment and labor law. This background in employment and labor has often proven useful in her practice of workers’ compensation law.

My approach to the practice of workers’ compensation law is to strive for balance. I understand clients have a heavy caseload and that workers’ compensation is a fast-paced field. I am committed to providing clients with well-reasoned and reliable information to assist with this process.

Each case is unique and requires individualized attention. I believe striking a balance between a more aggressive litigation approach and other means of dispute resolution allows me to find the best path toward optimal claim resolution. This requires communication and mutual understanding between me and my clients regarding the nuances and objectives of each individual claim.

In my free time I enjoy cooking, kickboxing, being near water and traveling whenever possible.

  • Vice President, Webmistress, and Events Coordinator, Oregon Wellesley Club
  • Reinisch Wilson DEI Committee