Matthew Fisher featured in television interview June 14
Reinisch Wilson Weier PC partner Matthew Fisher and his former foster son, Rickey, were featured June 14 in a television interview for KATU in Portland (Click here for a link to the online story and video). Matt and his husband Joe helped Rickey transition to his biological family, but remain in his life as mentors and are now simply extended family. In the interview, Matt and Rickey talked about the challenges of LGBTQ foster children in Oregon. This follows an earlier plea from the Oregon Department of Human Services (DHS) for more foster families who can support LGBTQ youth.
“Many of you know Joe and I have been doing this for years,” said Matt. “It has had its challenges, but has also enriched our lives beyond belief. DHS is in critical need of people to step forward and help kids that are truly in need, and are also the most vulnerable.”
“The system is broken and foster parents are stepping away from the system, which means the kids are left as the victims. If you are in a place in your life where you can provide a sense of stability to a child, then I strongly encourage you consider foster parenting.”
“As you can see in the story, Rickey is an incredibly brave young man that agreed to stand up and share his story. He has been chosen to serve on the Governor’s Ombudsman’s advisory committee to communicate directly with state government leaders about the needs of foster kids—whether LGBT or not; the issues of safety and acceptance are the common threads regardless of sexual orientation.”
Matt is happy to serve as a resource with information, advice, etc., if anyone is interested.
If you would like ore information about becoming a foster parent, you can learn more at //