Rhinoteers donate time and food to food banks
From mid-March to mid-April 2019, the Rhinoteers organized a food drive and food sorting event to benefit Portland and Bellevue food banks.
Both the Portland and Bellevue offices collected food. In Bellevue, attorneys and staff raised money and brought in donations to be sent to the Renewal Food Bank in Bellevue. Portland donations were sent to the Oregon Food Bank.

The Oregon Food Bank calculates that every $10 provides 30 meals and every 10 pounds is the equivalent of eight meals. Together with the Bellevue office, the firm’s donations will generate more than 8700 meals! To put this into perspective, our collection will:
- Feed more than 20 people one meal a day for an entire year!
- Completely meet the food needs of 7 people (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) for an entire year!
- Feed the ENTIRE POPULATION of Hood River one meal!
- Completely meet the food needs of the ENTIRE POPULATION of Sisters, Oregon (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) for one day!

Members of the Firm’s administration team (BELOW), along with some seasoned food bank volunteers, sorted 9500 pounds of carrots during a three hour shift on April 11, 2019.
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