Inspiring adjuster certification since 1991
Reinisch Wilson PC believes that Oregon adjusters should not just be certified, but also be educated to comprehend and apply the rules and the statutes, as well as understand the history of and the reasons for the current workers’ compensation processing procedures.
- Educated adjusters are more effective critical thinkers from the start
- Educated adjusters get workers back to work faster
- Educated adjusters handle litigated claims more effectively
- Educated adjusters avoid audit issues and potential penalties
Why should I take this course?
- This live online-only course has been led since 1991 by attorneys who exclusively defend Oregon worker’s compensation claims. Students will not only understand the basics of Oregon statutes and administrative rules, but will also hear personal experiences and industry history.
- The most current rules and regulations; content updated before each session.
- Everyone receives a comprehensive Claims Manual, which has become an excellent reference guide after the course.
- Each class is followed by thorough discussion of study questions.
- A practice exam helps students prepare for the final exam.
- Mentoring during the study questions as well as one-on-one mentoring outside of classes.
- More than 600 adjusters have become certified as a result of this course.
This course is for anyone new to Oregon workers’ compensation claims adjudication. Oregon law requires all new workers’ compensation claims examiners to obtain certification by successfully completing an examination that demonstrates their familiarity with pertinent statutes, administrative rules and claims procedures.
Upon passage participants receive all documentation necessary to satisfy the Oregon rules and statutes governing claims examiner certification. Certified examiners must also renew their certification every three years by documenting 24 hours of continuing education; certified adjusters can take this course to satisfy the renewal credits.
What does the course cover?
Students will study the most recent versions of
- The Basic Oregon Workers’ Compensation Claims Manual
- Workers’ Compensation Law (ORS Chapter 656)
- Workers’ Compensation Administrative Rules (OAR Chapter 436)
The course consists of 9 lectures based upon reading assignments in the 13 textbook chapters, including a post-class discussion of study questions that students complete in advance for each class, plus the final exam during the last (10th) session.
When is the course offered?
Each course consists of 10, three-hour sessions from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays unless otherwise noted:
2021 Spring: February 9, 11, 16, 18, 23, 25, March 2, 4, 9, 11 (exam on the 11th)
2021 Summer: July 6, 8 13, 15, 20, 22, 27, 29, August 3, 5 (exam on the 5th)
2021 Fall: September 28, 30, October 5, 7, 12, 14, 19, 21, 26, 28 (exam on Oct. 28th)
2022 courses coming February 2022
Attendance: Students may not miss more than one of the first 8 class sessions to remain eligible to take the certification exam. Replays of recorded lectures will be available for course participants to make up missed classes.
What does it cost?
The course tuition is $525 per person, which includes
- Ten 3-hour live classes led by our attorneys – online or in our classroom
- The comprehensive Claims Manual plus a hard copy of ORS 656
- Study questions and discussions with our attorneys after each class lecture
- A pre-test study session and practice exam
- The certification examination
- All necessary documentation upon passage
The fee is due in advance and is nonrefundable. We can accept payment online as well as checks in advance of the first class.
Click here for additional information: Course Information Fact Sheet
Questions? Click here to email us, or call (503) 245-1846.
This course was previously led by Jerry Keene, founder of the Oregon Workers’ Compensation Institute. Jerry taught the course from 1991, when Oregon first began to require examiner certification, until his teaching retirement at the end of 2017.
Renewal of an existing Oregon Certification
According to OAR Chapter 436, Division 055 (effective January 1, 2017):
An insurer may renew a claims examiner’s certification upon verification that the claims examiner has completed 24 hours of training within the past three years. The 24 hours of training must include:
- At least six hours of training on ORS chapter 656, OAR chapter 436, and relevant case law;
- One hour related to the interactions with IME providers;
- Additional (general) training related to
a) medical case management;
b) communication skills;
c) claims processing skills related to OR claims
The Basic Oregon Workers’ Compensation Certification class may be taken to meet the above renewal requirements. Click here to read OAR 436, Division 055.
On-site Continuing Education
Course leaders are available to conduct on-site training sessions of this course. Contact us for more information and rates for an onsite course presentation.